Get $5,000 Worth of Business Resources & Coaching For Free With Our Exclusive
"$5K Builders Accelerator" Package

Your 100% Free $5K Builder's Accelerator Package includes:

  • 9 of our best resources, templates, checklist, calculators and more (covering everything from sales & marketing, team & systems, to profit and cashflow) worth $3,500

  • An exclusive “golden ticket” to any one of our members-only trainings within the next 90 days (worth $500).

  • A one-on-one implementation call & brainstorming session with one of our coaches (worth $1000)

Here's What You Get:

1. $3,500 Worth of Construction Business Resources:

287pt Onsite Checklist

Instantly Improve Your Team's Work Quality Standards Without You Being On Site (Meaning Less Expensive Redos & Phone Calls From Unhappy Clients) With This 100% Free 287pt Quality Assurance Checklist

  • Leverage yourself from site and stop your phone ringing with questions every 20 minutes

  • Take the quality control out of your head and draw a line in the sand of what is acceptable work on site

  • Don't just tell the clients they can trust you and your teams quality of workmanship... Show them how you achieve not just "industry standard", but your "287-point quality control" standard

Website Optimisation Guide

Here's The 14 Essential Steps To A Successful Website For Your Building Company

  • Your Website Is Your 24/7 Salesperson - Do This Right And You’ll Find Your Prospects Far More Eager To Work With You.

  • Homepage Fundamentals To Make The Right First Impression As Soon As People Land On Your Website

  • Your Website Is Your 24/7 Salesperson - Do This Right And You’ll Find Your Prospects Far More Eager To Work With You.

  • Traffic Strategies To Drive Qualified Prospects To Your Site From Google, Social Media, And More.

1% Referral Marketing System

Implement This "Plug & Play" 1% Referral Marketing System to Turn Your Network Into a Regular Source of Quality Clients

  • Fills your pipeline in the next 30 days with high quality projects

  • Lands better clients and projects

  • Works with zero money down (only pay after you land the client)

  • Shows how to ask for referrals even if you suck at sales and hate marketing

10-Step Sales Process

Implement This "Plug & Play" 1% Referral Marketing System to Turn Your Network Into a Regular Source of Quality Clients

  • The 10-Step Process: We mapped out each step for you and the exact tools you need to execute them successfully without having to reinvent the wheel.

  • Initial Site Visit Script: First impression matters. This script positions you as the expert in their eyes and helps build the trust needed for them to say YES.

  • Charge for Quotes Script: Have the confidence to charge and get paid what you’re worth. No more slashing down your prices just to land the next client.

  • Authorization Agreement: Copy-paste our time-tested agreement template so you don't have to muck around trying to whip up an authorisation agreement from scratch

  • And so much more

A-Z of Operations

"Here's Every Step Of The Business, Laid Out On Paper... For Residential Builders & Remodelers..."

  • Replace yourself in the day-to-day operations of your business

  • with positive, loyal team members who take control and relish the opportunity to run a strong stable business.

  • Finally attract more leads, win more jobs and scale your business

  • so you can increase your income, and have complete time freedom.

  • Stop doing the grunt work, the menial tasks.

  • There is a smarter, more systematized way to structure your day and run your business. Until you do this you won’t be able to get off the hamster wheel.

Team Hiring Guide

Get The "3-Part People System" That Finds And Onboards New Carpenters In 14 Days (Or Less)

  • How to make a PROFIT on all the wages you pay. (Make back $1.50 back for every $1 in wages so you don't need to keep doing everything yourself.)

  • Get the proven job ad template to hire top-notch carpenters whenever you need them. (Download today and watch the highly-qualified applicants come rolling in.)

  • Stop having to always put out the daily fires in your business. (Build a self-managing team that operates independently so you can get back to working on your business.)

New Build Pricing Spreadsheet

"This Battle-Tested Pricing Spreadsheet Ensures You Hit A GREAT Margin On Every Project + Includes Prompts That Ensure You Never Miss An Inclusion Again."

It doesn’t matter if you’re doing architectural new builds or remodels...

This thing captures EVERYTHING you could possibly need to include in your quotes…

And then…

It automatically calculates your bottom line price so you’re virtually guaranteed to hit your profit goals.

✅ From sub-trades…

✅ To labour rates...

✅ To demolition…

✅ Site establishment...

✅ Foundations and Framing…

✅ Roofing and trusses…

✅ Right through to completion.

Every cost from every part of the job is captured to the very last nail.

Then just add your desired margin and…BOOM!

Your dollar-accurate price gets spat out, ready to present to the client.

Pricing Calculator

"Use This Free Pricing Calculator To Discover How Many Jobs (And At What Margin) You Need to Hit Your Profit & Income Goals"

  • Tells you exactly how many jobs you need to hit your desired profit goals. (No more guessing, trial and error, or just winging it anymore.)

  • Gives your business clarity by showing you the project value you should be going after. (Any jobs smaller than this amount should be immediately ignored.)

  • 100% customisable for your needs. Want to make more profits? Want to only work 10 months in a year?

  • No matter what type of work/life balance you want, simply put in your desired numbers and the calculator automatically adjusts on with updated results in less than 3 seconds.

30 Day Fast Cash System

Use This Proven "30-Day Fast Cash Turnaround" System to Navigate Out of a Cash Crunch or Financial Difficulties in 30 Days or Less

The Fast Cash Turnaround System Will Show You:

  • The top 19 reasons why building companies go broke... and how to avoid them

  • How to diagnose the key reasons behind any financial difficulties you may be facing

  • A step-by-step 30-day "Fast Cash Turnaround" system you can implement right away to get immediate relief from any cash flow worries

2. One "Golden Ticket" Access Pass to Any Members-Only Event in the Next 90 Days (Value: $500)

See behind the curtain at an exclusive member-only masterclass...

Every week, The Professional Builder's coaching team run an exclusive "deep dive" masterclass for our members on various topics related to increasing your profits and reclaiming your time.

This is opportunity to discover what's working right now in residential building, with unfiltered access to the latest systems and strategies (along with the people who are using them successfully every day).

Above: February's member training "How to Not Lose Money.

Past trainings have included:

✅ The 1% Referral Marketing Process That Gets You New Clients Without Any Paid Advertising

✅ Boardroom member Hayden's 10-Step Sales Process that landed him $4.25M of work in 60 Days

✅ Masterclass with best-selling author of "Buy Back Your Time" Dan Martell, as he ran though the steps builders can take free up their weeks and reclaim their family time.

As part of the bundle, you will receive 1X "Golden Ticket" that unlocks access to any members masterclass in the next 90 days.

Simply select from our upcoming events, and our team will hook you up with an access link.

3. "Profit Planning" Coaching Call (Value: $1000)

If you're a residential builder or general contractor generating at least $500K/year, you might be just a few strategies, tactics and best practices away from getting booked out 6-12 months in advance at 20%+ margins, systemizing your business to free you from day-to-day management, and finally getting back your family time.

On this "Profit Finder" gameplan session you'll discover:

✅ Dive deep into your business in terms of your sales & marketing, team & systems, and pricing & financials to reveal where your biggest strengths and opportunities are.

✅ Identify the top 3-5 strategies and systems that will have the biggest and fastest impact on your results... then put them into a step-by-step "game plan" for you.

✅ Set some realistic targets and benchmarks for where your business should be 90 days and 12 months from now (based on what 2,500+ other building companies have achieved under our system).

✅ Plug your numbers into our profit calculator to see how much extra money you can make (and how much family time you can buy back).

Here's Just Some of Our Results After Working With 2,369+ Residential Builders Over the Last 19 Years...

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While we believe in getting rich, we don’t believe in getting-rich quick programs. We're not a product of one and neither are our members. Yes the results can be fast, but not without hard work, and not without putting your best foot forward in serving others.

As stated by law, we cannot and do not make any guarantee about your ability to get results or earn an income with our ideas, information, programs, or strategies. And we couldn’t make that guarantee anyway… because again, your results depend on how much time and effort you put into them, right?

That said— we're here to help by giving you the top strategies that accelerated the success of our members and can help you move forward, and faster too. But nothing on this page or on any of our websites or emails promises or guarantees your future earnings. The financial numbers mentioned here, or in any of our sites or emails are simply results of our students and future estimates. That’s it. These numbers should not be considered a guarantee or a promise for your own future earnings.

Thanks for reading. If you have any questions, you can contact us here.